Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Der wirklich grosse Big Bang ist in der Schweiz ausgeblieben. Dennoch kündigen nun alle Schweizer Hochschulen ihren Big Deal mit Springer Nature (inkl. Nature Journals). Wie Swissuniversities bekannt gibt, konnte Springer Nature nun nach über 1.5 Jahren Verhandlung kein passendes Angebot liefern.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

If you’re at all interested in open access publishing, you probably know that it has a long and complicated history. There are disagreements and differences over strategies, tactics, politics, definitions, motivations, disciplinary approaches, business models and routes to OA. Many words have been spilled over the ‘mess’ that open access has become and the fact that the concept of open access itself has a number of different lineages.

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

What is the value of social science today? Arthur Lupia, University of Michigan, Photo: Svetluša Surova For me, the value of social science is ultimately about the quality of life. What social science does is that it helps us to take observations of the world and put them into a form where we can understand more about how the world works. We can then use social science to anticipate likely consequences of our actions.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Silvio Peroni

The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) is launching its second funding cycle, and OpenCitations is one of three open science infrastructure organizations whose services have been evaluated and selected for presentation to the international scholarly community for crowd-sourced sustainability funding, along with the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB). OpenCitations is an

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

In 1997, SciELO, the biggest Open Access database in Latin America got some initial funding from the S​ão Paulo Research Foundation FAPESP. What triggered the launch of such an infrastructure and what were the main goals back then? Back then a few local scientists approached us with the idea to set up a repository for journals edited in Brazil.

Publié in FIS & EPub
Auteur Johanna Dämmrich

Am 9. und 10. November 2020 organisieren das Deutsche Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung und die DINI-Arbeitsgruppe „Forschungsinformationssysteme“ eine öffentlichen Veranstaltung zum Thema Kerndatensatz Forschung. Mit der Veranstaltung werden nunmehr fünf Jahre Kerndatensatz Forschung zum Anlass genommen, um über dessen Umsetzung, dabei gemachte Erfahrungen sowie Entwicklungen und Perspektiven zu sprechen und sich auszutauschen.