Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Ludo Waltman, Biegzat Mulati, Rong Ni, Jian Wang, Kwun Hang (Adrian) Lai, Marc Luwel, Ed Noyons, Thed van Leeuwen, Verena Weimer

Open science was one of the key topics at the Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI) conference that CWTS organised in September 2023 in Leiden, the Netherlands. Open science was not only discussed at the conference but was also put into practice in the publication and peer review process of the conference. By way of experiment, all papers submitted to the conference were published as a preprint before they were peer reviewed.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics

Every four years the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) join forces to organize the largest conference in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) in the world. From 16 to 19 July, 2024 the conference is hosted by the Athena Institute in Amsterdam.

Publié in Liberate Science

VU Amsterdam is now a supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing. VU Amsterdam joins as the third institutional supporter, alongside Tilburg University and KU Leuven. VU Amsterdam supports new research initiatives through their VU Open Access Innovation Fund. They support open, free and fair publishing alternatives set up by and for researchers.

Publié in Critical Metascience
Auteur Mark Rubin

In an article published last week in Synthese, philosopher of science Pekka Syrjänen asked “does a theory become better confirmed if it fits data that was not used in its construction versus if it was specifically designed to fit the data?” The first approach is called prediction, and the second approach is called accommodation . The debate over the epistemic advantages of prediction and accommodation has been bubbling away for

Publié in Liberate Science

The climate crisis demands immediate action, in order to prevent every bit of warming we can. Organizations are big emitters, because they consume, spend, and grow — a lot. All of those economic activities are strongly coupled with emissions. We do our emission assessments because that information is key to taking informed action. Our previous assessments in 2019, 2020, and 2021 already influenced our equipment policy and event policy.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

Blog post by Ivan Heibi (University of Bologna), Arianna Moretti (University of Bologna) and Chiara Di Giambattista (University of Bologna). In the past five years, the OpenCitations data has been enriched with numerous new indexes of open citation data from different sources.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics

To develop our CWTS knowledge agenda we formed three focal areas at the start of this year to organise our activities. Here, we introduce the vision and roadmap of the Focal Area Engagement & Inclusion. Our vision In today's rapidly changing world, fostering a collaborative, diverse and inclusive science ecosystem that engages with society is of paramount importance.