Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Ludo Waltman

Last week I had the pleasure of participating in Crossref LIVE19 and of giving a short flash talk on ‘the value of Crossref’. Crossref LIVE19 took place in Amsterdam and was attended by over 100 participants, many of them representing scholarly publishers and other Crossref member organizations.

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Es geht um 22.4 Mio EUR, welche die Schweizer Hochschulen alleine den drei grossen Verlagen Elsevier, Springer und Wiley jährlich für Zeitschriften bezahlen. In 6 Wochen könnte es sein, dass dieses Geld nicht mehr an diese Verlage fliesst.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteurs Alfredo Yegros, Ismael Rafols

How does the research profile of pharma companies look like? What diseases are these companies investigating? What are their main research partners? Where are their laboratories and collaborators located? These are relevant questions for those interested on R&D dynamics in the pharmaceutical sector. However, this type of information is often not publicly available and, when it is available, it is often fragmented.

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Crossref wurde im Januar 2000 von einer Gruppe der grossen Verlage (AAAS, AIP, ACM, Elsevier, IEEE, Springer, Kluwer, NPG, OUP, Wiley) mit folgenden Ziel gegründet: Was als Initiative eines kleinen Club der “Reichen und Grossen” angefangen hat, ist nun 20 Jahren danach eine international relevante Infrastruktur mit mittlerweile über 12’000 Mitglieder.

Auteur ScholCommLab

In the last of our four-part series documenting the methodological challenges we faced during our project investigating preprint growth and uptake, we turn to the metadata of arXiv’s Quantitative Biology section.

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Wer den empfehlenswerten Beitrag “Open access: The true cost of science publishing” (2013) gelesen hat, blieb ratlos zurück. Die Einschätzungen über die tatsächlichen Kosten eines wissenschaftlichen Artikels reichten von $300 (Hindawi, PeerJ, Ubiquity Press) bis hin zu $30’000 (Nature). Dabei sind nur wenige Verlage auch wirklich transparent über ihre tatsächlichen Kosten. Neu gehört EMBO dazu.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Tung Tung Chan

1. Find out about meta-science Have you ever wondered how science is organized and measured? If scientists are studying their own topics, then who are studying the scientists and the knowledge that they produced? We at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) are one of the few research centers in the world who study this.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics
Auteur Grischa Fraumann

The conference The impact of science is discussed in different formats and venues nowadays, and an example that stands out is the Impact of Science conference that was organised by the Network for Advancing and Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS Network). The importance of impact of science becomes obvious, by taking into account, that this conference has been held six times before coming to

Publié in Elephant in the Lab
Auteur Elias Koch

The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) was founded in 1969. How has the significance of DLR as a research infrastructure changed since then? DLR and its research facilities are closely involved in collaborative projects within the national and international scientific communities. DLR has more than 100 large-scale research facilities, some of which are globally unique.