Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

If the internet has any underlying monomyth, or universally shared common ground, or absolute rule, it is this: People love to see the underdog win. This rule has a corollary: When you try to censor someone, they automatically become the underdog. I say “ try to censor” someone, because on the internet that is remarkably difficult to achieve.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

Two weeks ago, Brian Kraatz and I attended one of Edward Tufte’s workshops on presenting data and information. I’ve been meaning to blog about that, and still plan to when I get time to breathe. But something came up then that has been stuck in my head ever since.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

You don’t need to read this. You can read Scott Aaronson’s Review of The Access Principle and Tim O’Reilly’s Piracy is Progressive Taxation and connect the blindingly obvious dots. OTOH, Aaronson and O’Reilly wrote their pieces for the same reason I’m writing this one: some things are not blinding obvious to everyone. And sometimes the situation makes me mad enough to take a swing. So here goes.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

Right after I saw the show Sunday night, I wrote to the folks at Dangerous Ltd to point out their dishonest editing and to request an explanation (if you have no idea what I’m talking about, read this first). Today I finally got a response. The message didn’t come with any formal or informal requests or warnings about not forwarding or reposting it whole or in part.