Messages de Rogue Scholar

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In an earlier post I expressed my amazement that my venerable Nexus Data Editor (NDE) still had users, meaning I had to rebuild the installer so users could install NDE on Windows Vista. Now, Thomas Hauser has gone one better and created an installer for Mac OS X. Given that NDE is a Windows-only program, this is quite a feat. Thomas uses Mike Kroenenberg's (@k3erg) WineBottler to create a version of NDE that can be run on a Mac.

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No, not taxonomy the discipline (although I've given a talk asking this question), but, my long-running web server hosting such venerable software projects as TreeView, NDE, and GeneTree, along with my home page.A series of power cuts in my building while I was away finally did for my ancient Sun Sparcstation5, running the CERN web server (yes, it's that old). I can remember the thrill (mixed with mild terror)

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Quick note to say how much fun it is to use Parallels Desktop. It's a great advantage to have Windows XP and Fedora Core 7 running on my Mac. As much as I dislike Internet Explorer, it caught some bugs in my code. It's always useful to try different environments when debugging code, either stand alone or for the Web.