Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

The Founder and Co-Director of OpenCitations, Prof. David M. Shotton, peacefully passed away on Saturday, 18th May, after a long battle against illness. With his death, OpenCitations lost a Director, a Mentor, and a Guide. OpenCitations wouldn’t have existed without David’s foresight, which led him to design the first prototype of OpenCitations as a one-year project founded by JISC in 2010.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

If you are a leader of a Library or a Research Institution and would like to learn more about the existing open infrastructures that could help your institution to evolve in the research environment, but you don’t know where to look for, you can now use Infra Finder, a brand-new tool aimed at foster discovery, adoption, and investment for open infrastructure services.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

Research Information can be defined as an information (sometimes referred to as metadata) relating to the conduct and communication of research.

Publié in Stories by Research Graph on Medium

Author Amir Aryani: (ORCID: 0000-0002-4259-9774) Definition A research collaboration network is a group of researchers, and practitioners, or both, working together on joint research activities. These networks often span across disciplines, geographic boundaries, and sectors, enabling participants to share resources, expertise, and data to address common research goals more effectively than they could individually.

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Auteur Björn Brembs

We are looking for a PhD student interested in the functional, molecular and structural profile of neuronal circuits underlying learning, memory and behavior. In a 30-year research effort (lay summary, paper), we have recently identified a new gene (atypical PKC, aPKC) necessary for a form of motor learning in the fruit fly Drosophila and in which neurons it is required.

Author Amir Aryani (ORCID: 0000-0002-4259-9774) Introduction In this article we look at Research Graph as an information model , and an approach to connect and capture the connections between research outputs, researchers and research activities. We explore the metadata model, and we discuss how to capture this graph in a Neo4j Graph Database.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

The first month of the new year has almost come to an end, and we at OpenCitations have dedicated these weeks after the holiday season to retrace the progress we reached as an open infrastructure throughout 2023, an activity that has become a tradition in the past few years.

Publié in Open Access Brandenburg
Auteur Sharon Hundehege

Das von der US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) ausgerufenen „Year of Open Science“ ging mit dem Jahr 2023 zu Ende. Die Forderungen wirken aber selbstverständlich weiter und waren von Beginn an mit einer längeren Perspektive versehen.

Publié in Open Access Brandenburg
Auteur Team OA Brandenburg

Spät im Jahr gab es am vergangenen Freitag (08.12.2023) noch ein Pressemeldung, die in der internationalen Open-Access- und Open-Science-Community durchaus Aufsehen erregte: Die Sorbonne Université in Paris trennt sich vom für die Wissenschaftsmessung und -evaluation und zur Forschungsinformation häufig als maßgeblich angesehenen Werkzeug Web of Science.