Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Liberate Science
Auteurs Chris Hartgerink, Diego Paez

In a previous post, we announced our partnership with GEUT (Argentina) to build the peer-to-peer commons (p2pcommons) infrastructure, which powers applications like Hypergraph. Today, we're announcing the first release of the permanent seeder software. Most practically, this will help make any content shared through the Hypergraph Vault easy and fast to access.

Publié in Liberate Science

We continuously improve Hypergraph, our tool for communicating research as-you-go — instead of after-the-fact — to allow researchers to focus on their core interest: doing research. We care about meeting researchers where they are, in order to make research life easier. To that end, Liberate Science is partnering with Coko and its spin off project Cabbage Tree Labs to seamlessly integrate working with Word files in Hypergraph.