Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Jeroen Ooms

This week an update for xml2 and a new xslt package have appeared on CRAN. A full announcement for xml2 version 1.1 will appear on the rstudio blog. This post explains xml validation (via xsd schema) and xml transformation (via xslt stylesheets) which have been added in this release. XML schemas and stylesheets are not exactly new; both xslt 1.1 (2001) and xsd 1.0 (2004) have been available in browsers for over a decade.

Publié in iPhylo

One of the things I keep revisiting is the way we display scientific articles. Apart from Nature's excellent iPhone and iPad apps, most efforts to re-imagine how we display articles are little more than glorified PDF viewers (e.g., the PLoS iPad app).Part of the challenge is that if we make the article more interactive we immediately confront the problem of how to link to other content.

Publié in iPhylo

This post is simply a quick note on some experiments with DjVu that I haven't finished. Much of BHL's content is available as DjVu files, which contain both the scanned images and OCR text, complete with co-ordinates of each piece of text. This means that it would, in principle, be trivial to lay out the bounding boxes of each text element on a web page.