Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Everything is Connected
Auteur Ernesto Priego

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for full papers and other presentations is being extended to 31 January 2018. International Conference on Electronic Publishing 2018 (ELPUB) Connecting the Knowledge Commons: From Projects to Sustainable Infrastructure June 22-24, 2018 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Full disclosure: I am a member of the programme committee.

Join our Community Call on Tuesday, January 30th (January 31 for our Australian friends) Nick Golding, 2017 rOpenSci Fellow, will talk about two R packages he has developed recently. zoon aims to promote open and reproducible research in ecological modeling by helping researchers share their code in a modular way and produce reproducible research artifacts.

Are you thinking about submitting a package to rOpenSci’s open peer software review? Considering volunteering to review for the first time? Maybe you’re an experienced package author or reviewer and have ideas about how we can improve.

Publié in Everything is Connected
Auteur Ernesto Priego

I am at the University of Granada as a member of the Knowmetrics project to participate in workshops and meetings around the project and the I Congreso Internacional “Territorios Digitales” under the umbrella Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales del Sur (#CSHDsur).