Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Quintessence of Dust
Auteur Stephen Matheson

The June issue of The Atlantic includes a deep profile of the accomplished but not-very-well-known comedian Albert Brooks. Here's a glimpse of his view of writing: I found a few interesting nuggets in that paragraph. His vision of writing as something you don't stop once you've started seems odd at first. The architect metaphor is funny, sure, but I wonder if his view is rare among writers.

Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin

Das Open-Access-Büro hat den Open-Access-Bericht Berlin veröffentlicht. Er kann über die Community des OABB auf der Plattform PubPub abgerufen werden: Open Research bedeutet, allen Interessierten einen offenen Zugang und eine umfassende Nachnutzbarkeit zu Forschungsergebnissen, -daten und dem gesamten Forschungsprozess zu ermöglichen.

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

I’ve been upstreaming a bit of my compiler work to the MLIR project. Yesterday, I merged in a tutorial on mlir-opt, the main debugging tool for running passes on MLIR code. This is roughly the upstreamable parts of my first MLIR tutorial entry, MLIR — Running and Testing a Lowering. Mehdi Amini also provided a lot of useful information during review that taught me some stuff I didn’t know about the tool.

Auteur Aaron Tay

IP and ethical issues surrounding the use of content in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked significant debate, but I’ve mostly stayed out of it as this isn’t my area of expertise, and while there’s much to discuss and many legal opinions to consider, ultimately, the courts will decide what’s legal. However, for those interested in exploring this topic further, I recommend Peter Schoppert’s AI & Copyright substack.

Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin

Termin: 21. Oktober 2024, 14:00–16:00 Uhr Ort: Online via Zoom Veranstaltende: Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (IBI) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU) und Open-Access-Büro Berlin Es handelt sich bei dieser Auftaktveranstaltung um die erste in der Reihe Quo vadis offene Wissenschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg 2024/25

Publié in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Auteur Karsten Schuldt

In älteren Bibliotheksgebäuden gibt es sie noch vereinzelt: Räume, in denen einst die Buchbinderei untergebracht war. Manchmal finden sich sogar noch Türen, an denen Buchbinderei zu lesen steht. Aber die Räume hinter diesen Türen stehen fast überall leer oder werden anders genutzt. Heute organisieren diese Abteilungen, wenn es sie noch gibt, vor allem den Versand von Medien an Buchbindereien außerhalb der Bibliothek.

Publié in Quintessence of Dust
Auteur Stephen Matheson

Today begins Blaugust 2024, an annual blogging festival that is fun and challenging. Last year I made it halfway through August with a post every day—this year I'm aiming for 20 posts for the month. The festival aims to create and maintain a community, and so the main theme this year is for everyone to write an "introduction to me and my blog" post.

Publié in Stories by Research Graph on Medium
Auteur Research Graph

Google’s Groundbreaking AI Model Explained Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Google continues to stand at the forefront, consistently pushing the boundaries of what these technologies can achieve. One of their latest advancements, GEMMA2, represents a significant leap in AI capabilities.