Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Math ∩ Programming
Auteur Jeremy Kun

Ben Recht, a computer science professor at UC Berkeley, recently wrapped up a 3-month series of blog posts on Paul Meehl’s “Philosophical Psychology.” Recht has a table of contents for his blog series. It loosely tracks a set of lectures that Meehl gave in 1989 at the University of Minnesota. In it, he surveys of the philosophy of science, lays out a framework for scientific debate, and critiques scientific practice.

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Auteur Björn Brembs

I was very excited when our latest research paper came out, after all, I was confident our 30-year-long search for the sites of plasticity in the form of motor learning we study was coming to an end. In this work, we were fairly confident that underlying the type of learning we study was a novel form of plasticity in a very specific set of motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord of the flies we use for our research.

Publié in Leiden Madtrics

Over the past decade, a growing number of bibliometric analyses of varying quality have been published in the peer-reviewed literature. Despite this growth, surprisingly few published articles provide guidance on how a bibliometric analysis ought to be reported. Moreover, to our knowledge, these articles have been written based on the opinions/experiences of different researchers, as opposed to best evidence-informed practices.

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Auteur Felix Reda

Die VG Wort nimmt für ihre Mitglieder Urheberrechte bei Text- und Sprachwerken wahr. Auch wissenschaftliche Autor*innen profitieren von den Ausschüttungen. Freie Lizenzen und Open Access bedeuten nicht automatisch einen Verzicht auf Vergütungsansprüche. Felix Reda erklärt die Situation und zeigt, wie man dafür beim Wahrnehmungsvertrag mit der VG Wort vorgeht.

Publié in Blog - Metadata Game Changers

“Project” is being added to the DataCite ResourceTypeGeneral vocabulary in the next release. Many DataCite members are already describing projects with DataCite metadata. Establishing a baseline is a step towards establishing community guidelines and examples of good ideas for how projects might be used.

Auteurs Pia Kretschmar, Christopher Onzie Khamis

Regardless of whether one is just starting out or has already arrived in the community, as young librarians and information scientists, there are many interesting fields and new developments.

Research is inherently dynamic, leading to equally dynamic data. This dynamic nature of research data raises numerous questions for professionals in information management at research institutions, libraries, and computing centers. Despite the conceptual establishment of research data citation through persistent identifiers (PIDs) in some communities, practical challenges remain.