Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Es geht um 22.4 Mio EUR, welche die Schweizer Hochschulen alleine den drei grossen Verlagen Elsevier, Springer und Wiley jährlich für Zeitschriften bezahlen. In 6 Wochen könnte es sein, dass dieses Geld nicht mehr an diese Verlage fliesst.

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Wer den empfehlenswerten Beitrag “Open access: The true cost of science publishing” (2013) gelesen hat, blieb ratlos zurück. Die Einschätzungen über die tatsächlichen Kosten eines wissenschaftlichen Artikels reichten von $300 (Hindawi, PeerJ, Ubiquity Press) bis hin zu $30’000 (Nature). Dabei sind nur wenige Verlage auch wirklich transparent über ihre tatsächlichen Kosten. Neu gehört EMBO dazu.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Matt and I are about to submit a paper. One of the journals we considered — and would have really liked in many respects — turned out to use the CC By-NC-SA license. This is a a very well-intentioned licence that allows free use except for commercial purposes, and which imposes the same licence on all derivative works. While that sounds good, there are solid reasons to prefer the simpler CC By licence.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

I have recently had an article published in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) entitled ‘Revisiting “the 1990s debutante”: Scholar‐led publishing and the prehistory of the open access movement’. The article explores a small number of early scholar-led e-journals and their relevance to open access today.

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Auteur Björn Brembs

By now, it is public knowledge that subscription prices for scholarly journals have been rising beyond inflation for decades (i.e., the serials crisis): A superficially very similar graph was recently published for APC price increases: When not paying too much attention, both figures seem to indicate a linear increase in costs over time for both business models. However, the situation is more complicated than that.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

I’ll have more to say about both of these in the near future, but for now suffice it to say that this (link): {.aligncenter .wp-image-16586 .size-large loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“16586” permalink=“”