Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in chem-bla-ics

Classpath 0.91 is released with 1.45 million lines of code and with 98.96% coverage of Java 1.4.2, and 99.82% of java.swing. Or, as Dave calls it: 0.91 rocks! JChemPaint runs again (they fixed the XML parsing problem), and Jmol still runs , but slow. I also tested Taverna which now also starts up, but has an XML parsing error too: Exception occured whilst loading RDFS!

Publié in chem-bla-ics

This weekend I continued my work on getting the CDK and Jmol run with free, open source JVMs. Really, a lot works fine, as reported earlier in this blog: JChemPaint works and Jmol almost works (see the Classpath’s FreeSwingTestApps wiki page), and well over 95% of the CDK JUnit tests run without trouble too. So it comes down to identifying what does not run properly, and file bugs for this. For example, 26101 and 26108.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

Because I am still looking forward to testing CDK against the latest Classpath 0.20, I downloaded cacao 0.94-1 for Debian sid, then tried to compile CDK with it: JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/cacao ant -Dbuild.compiler=gcj clean test-all But that hangs at some point with zero load. I have no idea what is going on there.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

While waiting for a Dragon calculation to finish (it does not work for molecules with more than 300 atoms!), I updated CDK’s build.xml to support gjdoc. The build script is now able to compile the custom doclets we use for creating the src/*.javafiles and others from the Java source files. And using gij I could also run CDK’s 1688 JUnit tests!

Publié in chem-bla-ics

I drop in on the #classpath channel of IRC network, where the #cdk channel runs too. The #classpath channel is for the Classpath project which is developing the free Java libraries used by most open source virtual machines. A item was mentioned “Java Is So 90s”. It lead to a funny discussion about what that would make C/C++ and Fortran.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

I reported earlier that the CDK has been updated in CVS to use CML from the new Jumbo 5.0. The transition actually involved a lot of changes in the CDK, some I would like to address in the following comments. One thing is that CML write support (not reading!) uses the new Jumbo library which requires Java 1.5. Thus, if Java 1.5 is not available, then CML writing should not be compiled. This is how this is done.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

Where I was able to mention earlier that JChemPaint now runs with free (as in open source) Java virtual machines, I just tried to run the core Jmol renderer, using the which comes as an example. Sadly, the original screenshots got lost there were made with jamvm 1.3.3 and classpath 0.19. It is very slow, however. I have not tried it with other free virtual machines, which are supposedly faster.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

This evening I have been looking at with the KNOPPIX customization howto, and ran many of the interesting commands. I’ve setup a environment with Kalzium, OpenBabel, CDK, jython, PyMOL, and for development I included gcj and Eclipse. At some later point I will include kfile_chemical too, but I want to make a deb package first.