Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in iPhylo

Following on from the SVG experiments I've started to put some of the Javascript code for displaying phylogenies on Github. Not a repository yet, but as gists, little snippets of code. Mike Bostock has created which makes it possible to host gists as working examples, so you can play with the code "live".The first gist takes a Newick tree, parses it and displays a tree.

Publié in iPhylo

One thing I'm increasingly conscious of is that I've a lot of demos and toy projects hanging around and the code for most of these isn't readily available. So, I plan to clean these up and put them in GitHub so others can explore the code, and reuse it if they see fit.First up is the code to create a HTML+Javascript clone of Nature's iPhone app, as described in an earlier post.There's a live version of the clone here here.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

I have blogged about two Molecular Chemometrics principles so far: McPrinciple #1: access to data McPrinciple #2: be clear in what you mean Peter’s post #solo10: Green Chain Reaction; where to store the data? DSR? IR? BioTorrent, OKF or ??? gives me enough basis to write up a third principle: Molecular Chemometrics Principles #3 : We make scientific progress if we build on past achievements. Sounds logical, right?

Publié in iPhylo

I've just discovered Nicolas Garcia Belmonte's JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT). Wow! This is very cool stuff (and no Flash). To quote from the web site:Nicolas also links to a talk by Tamara Munzner, which I've embedded below to remind myself to watch it.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

The Bioclipse Workshop has ended and, for just three days, turned out quite productive. We have first bits of scripting support for JavaScript using Rhino. At this moment the scripting plugin needs to explicit depend on plugins to be able to access their classpath, but we plan to solve that. An example script: // to have short identifiers Array =; String =;