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Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

We’ve recently launched a re-designed Grant Finder on Europe PMC. You can use the Grant Finder to search over 56,700 biomedical research grants, awarded to the 23,000 Principal Investigators supported by the 26 Europe PMC funders. Learn 5 ways to use the new Grant Finder: 1. Find a collaborator As a researcher, or student, you can find potential collaborators / PIs working in a related research area.

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One of my frustrations with the GBIF portal is that it is hard to drill down and search in a specific area. You have to zoom in and then click for a list of occurrences in the current bounding box of the map. You can't, for example, draw a polygon such as the boundary of a protected area and search within that area.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Europe PMC Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life sciences, healthcare and medical humanities. It includes full text reports from government agencies, like the UK’s National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the US’s Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and content allowed by participating publishers.

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One of the limitations of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is that, unlike say Google Books, its search functions are limited to searching metadata (e.g., book and article titles) and taxonomic names. It doesn't support full-text search, by which I mean you can't just type in the name of a locality, specimen code, or a phrase and expect to get back much in the way of results.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Title quote from ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’, Sonnet 43, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Our relationship with ORCID personal identifiers blooms in a number of ways: ORCID Wizard Europe PMC was an early adopter of ORCIDs allowing researchers the ability to link articles to an ORCID using our easy-to-use article claiming Wizard.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

With our newly released feature, you can decide to search just the methods section, just the results section, just the acknowledgements section, or a combination of 16 article section categories that have been identified in full text articles in Europe PMC. Perhaps you’ve contributed to a paper by providing reagents, or technical expertise, to enable someone else’s experiments. You might want to keep track of acknowledgement of your support.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Following the development of the ORCID-based Article Claiming Tool (see this blog post), Europe PMC has now integrated ORCIDs into its website, search systems, and web services. This is proving useful for authors who want to show their publications list unambiguously on the Europe PMC website, allowing them to show for each article citation counts, linked data sets, and full text availability in Europe PMC.

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This is not a post I'd thought I'd write, because OpenURL is an awful spec. But last week I ended up in vigorous debate on Twitter after I posted what I thought was a casual remark:This ended up being a marathon thread about OpenURL, accessibility, bibliographic metadata, and more.