Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

In the past week, three senior research strategy figures at the University of Oxford have called for removing the open access ‘burden’ from the rules for the next Research Excellence Framework (REF). For the past REF excercise, open access has been a requirement for all submitted journal articles and UKRI are also now consulting on plans to include books within the rules for the next exercise.

Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Auteur Gastautor(en)

Im SynSICRIS-Projekt wurde ein Ansatz verfolgt, wie Forschungsinformationssysteme (FIS) genutzt werden können, um in Forschungsprojekten Daten zu Aktivitäten zu sammeln, die Wirkungspotential aufbauen und gesellschaftlichen Impact damit wahrscheinlicher machen. Dafür wurden gezielt Synergien mit ohnehin erforderlichen Dokumentationsprozessen gegenüber dem Forschungsförderer geschaffen.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

In the CDK2024 grant we wrote about updating various software projects using the Chemistry Development Kit. We even wrote that “[r]equired API changes will be publicly shared and disseminated with the Groovy Cheminformatics with the Chemistry Development Kit book (”. The Groovy Cheminformatics with the Chemistry Development Kit book is a project that has run since 2009.

Auteur Atarraya

Productoras: Fausta Gantús y Alicia Salmerón Realización y música: Arturo Torres Salmerón Diseño de imagen: Rodrigo Salmerón Francisco de Garay es, quizá, el principal responsable del primer proyecto de desagüe moderno de la ciudad de México en el siglo XIX.Esta AudioHistoria constituye un esfuerzo por revalorar la importancia de su papelen las obras del drenaje capitalino.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

I should start by saying that the server on which this blog is posted was set up in June 1993. Although the physical object has been replaced a few times, and had been “virtualised” about 15 years ago, a small number of the underlying software base components may well date way back, perhaps even to 1993.

Publié in Politics, Science, Political Science
Auteur Ingo Rohlfing

The debate between Yann LeCun and Elon Musk, reported in Nature, questions whether science necessitates publishing results. My position is that science depends on how you produce your knowledge, not necessarily requiring publication. Only if you face the public, you need to publish about your work.

Publié in
Auteur Georg Fischer

Es ist ein Missverständnis, dass sich freie Lizenzen und Bezahlschranken („paywalls“) ausschließen. Genauso ist es erlaubt, dass ein frei lizenziertes Werk nur durch Registrierung zugänglich ist. Technische Kopierschutzmechanismen, die die Nutzung des Inhalts einschränken, widersprechen allerdings den CC-Lizenzbedingungen.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Chemists now use the term “curly arrows” as a language to describe the electronic rearrangements that occur when a (predominately organic) molecule transforms to another – the so called chemical reaction. It is also used to infer, via valence bond or resonance theory, what the mechanistic implications of that reaction are.

Hey guess what? It’s gonna be another really short photo post. Here are some pix of the Jimbo material on display at the Wyoming Dinosaur Center. Many thanks to Tom Moncrieffe of the WDC for taking a good chunk of his day to show me around.