Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

The reaction described in the previous post (below) is an unusual example of nucleophilic attack at an sp 2 -carbon centre, reportedly resulting in inversion of configuration[cite]10.1021/ja00765a062[/cite]. One can break it down to a sequence of up to eight individual steps, which makes teaching it far easier. But how real is that sequence?

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

There is often a disconnect between how a text-book (schematically) represents a reaction and a more quantitive “reality” revealed by quantum mechanics. Is the bromination of ethene to give 1,2-dibromoethane one such example? Text-books will show how ethene interacts with bromine to form a cyclic bromonium cation, which with the liberated bromide anion makes for an ion-pair.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Alkene metathesis is part of a new generation of synthetic reaction in which a double C=C bond is formed from appropriate reactants where no bond initially exists (another example is the Wittig reaction), with the involvement of a 4-membered-ring metallacyclobutane ring 1 (again, very similar to the Wittig). I thought it might make a good addition to my collection of reaction mechanisms and so as the first step

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The mechanism of forming an oxime from nucleophilic addition of a hydroxylamine to a ketone is taught early on in most courses of organic chemistry. Here I subject the first step of this reaction to form a tetrahedral intermediate to quantum mechanical scrutiny. The first decision is to decide which atom of the hydroxylamine acts as the nucleophile. Reaction 1 shows the oxygen and reaction 2 the nitrogen.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Semibullvalene is a molecule which undergoes a facile [3,3] sigmatropic shift. So facile that it appears this equilibrium can be frozen out at the transition state if suitable substituents are used. This is a six-electron process, which leads to one of those homologous questions; what happens with ten electrons? A 5,5 double Möbius sigmatropic rearrangement. Click for 3D model.

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I am following up on one unfinished thread in my previous post; a candidate was proposed in which the transition state for [3,3] sigmatropic rearrangement in a semibullvalene might be frozen out to become instead a stable minimum. The hypothesis was that such a species would be aromatic, a bis -homoaromatic species to be precise, itself an interesting variation on the normal theme of aromaticity.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Semibullvalene is an unsettling molecule. Whilst it has a classical structure describable by a combination of Lewis-style two electron and four electron bonds, its NMR behaviour reveals it to be highly fluxional. This means that even at low temperatures, the position of these two-electron bonds rapidly shifts in the equilibrium shown below. Nevertheless, this dynamic behaviour can be frozen out at sufficiently low temperatures.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Here is a challenge: what is the longest C-C bond actually determined (in which both carbon termini are sp 3 hybridised)? I pose this question since Steve Bachrach has posted on how to stabilize long bonds by attractive dispersive interactions, and more recently commenting on what the longest straight chain alkane might be before dispersive interaction start to fold it (the answer appears to be C 17 ). A search of the