Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Auteur Robert A. Gehring

In Berlin findet von heute an bis zum 1. Juni das DMY International Design Festival (ehemals “Designmai”, darf aber aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht mehr so heißen) statt. Von Kitsch bis Kunst und darüber hinaus gibt es viel zu entdecken auf der Leistungsschau der kreativen Köpfe. The post DMY: Design in Berlin, im Mai appeared first on

Publié in Quintessence of Dust
Auteur Stephen Matheson

1. A nice new Tangled Bank went up yesterday at The Beagle Project Blog, which is a cool site worth visiting at other times, too.2. Last week saw the unveiling of the Evangelical Manifesto, "an open declaration of who Evangelicals are and what they stand for," which seeks "to rally and to call for reform." The document has sparked some pretty intense discussion among Christians I know.

Publié in Quintessence of Dust
Auteur Stephen Matheson

Quiz 2. (Directions, and rationale, can be found in a previous post.) Ready?Which organism has the larger genome? This one? Or this one? 1 2 3Which of these organisms displays the greatest "degree of advancement"? Which would require the most "information" to build and maintain? What predictions would design theorists such as William Dembski and Hugh Ross offer us in this exercise?Think, people.

Publié in Quintessence of Dust
Auteur Stephen Matheson

It's Opening Day, and it mustn't pass without mention here at QoD, especially since probability, randomness and the supernatural are such central topics around here.Manny connects, game 2 in Japan. Image from Boston Globe online.I've already confessed that Stephen Jay Gould is one of my favorite authors, and some of his essays I mark for repeat visits.