Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Front Matter

From the start last year one important goal for the Rogue Scholar science blog archive was to make it easy to use for blog authors and readers. Today I want to focus on another aspect: keep it simple to run Rogue Scholar infrastructure. To address that goal I started development work last week to further simplify one important aspect of Rogue Scholar infrastructure: metadata conversion.

Publié in chem-bla-ics

We recently got awarded our second NWO Open Science grant (OSF23.2.097), this time for the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK). “We” here is me and Alyanne de Haan, René van der Ploeg, and Marc Teunis from Hogeschool Utrecht. The proposal has been submitted for public dissemination in RIO Journal, like we did with the first NWO Open Science grant.

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Auteur Redaktion

Das Angebot von besteht seit fast 20 Jahren. Mit einer Spende können Sie uns bei der Arbeit unterstützen. Das hilft uns, weiterhin kostenlose und frei zugängliche Texte zum Urheberrecht zu veröffentlichen. Große und kleine, regelmäßige wie sporadische Spenden sind sehr willkommen.

Publié in Triton Station

Perhaps the most compelling astronomical phenomenon accessible to a naked-eye observer is a total eclipse of the sun. These rare events have always fascinated us, and often terrified us. It is abnormal and disturbing for the sun to be blotted from the sky! A solar eclipse will occur on Monday, 8 April 2024. A partial eclipse will be visible from nearly every part of North America.

Publié in Andrew Heiss's blog

I’ve used Garrick Aden-Buie’s tidyexplain animations since he first made them in 2018. They’re incredibly useful for teaching—being able to see which rows left_join() includes when merging two datasets, or which cells end up where when pivoting longer or pivoting wider is so valuable.

Auteur Arfon M. Smith

Skip to main content :::::::::::::::::: {#app-content .styles__appChildrenContainer___[chunkhash-base64-5] role=“main”} Adding defect analysis to the Materials Project – Jimmy Shen on pymatgen-analysis-defects JOSSCast: Open Source for ResearchersBy The Journal of Open Source SoftwareApr 04, 2024 Share 00:00 22:11 :::::::::::::::::: Subscribe Now: Apple, Spotify, YouTube, RSS Jimmy Shen sat

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Die Gates Foundation hat angekündigt, ab 2025 keine APCs mehr für Gold OA zu bezahlen. Es reicht ihr, wenn Forschende stattdessen nur einen Preprint mit einer CC-BY-Lizenz veröffentlichen. Geförderte Forschende können ihre Publikationen allerdings immer noch in einem Peer-Review-Journal (auch hinter einer Paywall) veröffentlichen.