Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Im Streit um urheberrechtliche Geräteabgaben entscheidet das Verfassungsgericht zugunsten der VG Wort, der Bundesgerichtshof hat erneut zur angemessenen Vergütung für Übersetzer geurteilt, die Pfändung von sorgt für Aufsehen. Das und mehr im Wochenrückblick.

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Die französische Behörde gegen illegales Filesharing, Hadopi, hat ihren Betrieb aufgenommen, der BGH hat zu der Frage entschieden, wie lange Internet-Provider die Verbindungsdaten ihrer Kunden speichern dürfen, und die ARD hat einen umstrittenen Film aus allen Online-Archiven entfernen. Das und mehr im Wochenrückblick. Frankreich: Hadopi geht in heiße Phase Die französische Hadopi hat ihren Betrieb aufgenommen.

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DataCite is an international consortium for data citation. DataCite originally started as a project at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). Since 2005 the TIB was providing digital object identifiers (DOIs) to research datasets. In December 2009 research libraries and technical information centres from 6 countries founded the DataCite initiative.

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Articles published in Nature, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Medicine or Nature Chemical Biology are now available for renting from DeepDyve. Downloading or printing is not possible, and the $3.99 rental is for 24 hours. Later this month, Nature plans to release the reader for the iPad. Monthy access to Nature (again read-only) will cost $9.99. For more information see yesterday’s press release.

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Last week the first public beta (version 0.5) of Paperpile was released (available for Mac and Linux). Paperpile is a desktop reference manager with typical features: search in PubMed, Google Scholar or ArXiv, import PDF files, support for BibTex and other standard file formates, etc. Paperpile currently doesn’t sync with a web-based version, and Paperpile doesn’t insert citations into manuscripts.

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Die „Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten” darf Aufnahmen auf ihrem Gelände untersagen, der neue Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag ist gescheitert, die EU-Kommission prüft Beschwerden der Verleger gegen Google. Das und mehr im Wochenrückblick. +++ Schlösser-Stiftung darf Fotos untersagen

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Two weeks ago Eva Amsen wrote in a thoughtful blog post: There’s a gap between science and technology, and it’s growing. Eva argues that – contrary to popular belief – there is actually a divide between science and technology. Scientists are on average not really comfortable using technology, and many computing tools aimed for scientists really miss the point of what scientists really care about.

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Last Friday the latest science blogging network officially launched: Occam’s Typewriter. The independent blogging network started out with eight bloggers and one guest blog, all of them well characterized by Bob O’Hara. Most of the bloggers have moved their blogs from Nature Network, where I wrote next to them from 2007 until September this year.