Messages de Rogue Scholar


rOpenSci HQ On behalf of rOpenSci, thank you to everyone who has contributed their creativity, curiosity, smarts, and time in the last year. Read our Thank You, 2019.Software Peer Review 3 community-contributed packages passed software peer review. osfr - R Interface to OSF. Author: Aaron Wolen; Reviewers: Heidi Seibold, Carl Boettiger; Read the Review Rclean - A Tool for Writing Cleaner, More Transparent Code.

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rOpenSci HQ rOpenSci Announces a New $896k Award From The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to Improve the Scientific Package Ecosystem for R. We’re excited to announce a new member of our team! Introducing Mark Padgham, rOpenSci’s new Software Research Scientist NumFOCUS recognizes Melina Vidoni and Will Landau for their contributions to rOpenSci.

rOpenSci HQ What would you like to hear about in an rOpenSci Community Call? We are soliciting your “votes” and new ideas for Community Call topics and speakers. Find out how you can influence us by checking out our new Community Calls repository. Videos, speaker’s slides, resources and collaborative notes from our Community Call on Reproducible Workflows at Scale with drake are posted. Help wanted!

rOpenSci HQ rOpenSci received a $678K award from the Sloan Foundation to expand Software Peer Review.We are hiring for a new position in statistical software testing and peer review.Join our next Community Call on Reproducible Workflows at Scale with drake September 24th.Videos, speakers’ slides, resources and collaborative notes from our Community Calls on Involving Multilingual Communities and Reproducible Research with R are posted.Software

rOpenSci HQ 👨🏽‍💻👩🏼‍💻 🏗️ Join our next Community Call on Involving Multilingual Communities June 28th.Video of our Community Call on Security for R is up, with a long list of resources.Our Community Manager, Stefanie Butland, spoke at R-Ladies Seattle and Fred Hutch about rOpenSci, Learning R, and Building Community May 22nd.Software Peer Review ✔ 6 community-contributed packages passed software peer reviewnbaR - R Package Client for the

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Auteur Jan Schallaböck

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