Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

We are delighted to announce that the French National Fund for Open Science (FNSO) has renewed its commitment to sustaining the activities of four SCOSS-selected infrastructures, including OpenCitations.

Es mag für manche Open-Access-Anhänger*innen bisweilen etwas erstaunlich wirken, wenn Kritik an den Kostenmodellen für Open Access ausgerechnet in Zeitschriften, die bei Elsevier erscheinen, artikuliert wird. Aber da ich gerade eine aktuellere Ausgabe von Social Science & Medicine (Volume 317, January 2023) vor mir und darin einen Aufsatz bzw.

In our digital era, scientists are certainly sharing and reusing open data. Yet it remains unclear how widespread data reuse and citation practices are within academic disciplines, and why scientists cite—or do not cite—data in their research work.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

Yesterday, the preprint repositories bioRxiv/medRxiv and arXiv released coordinated statements on the recent memo on open science from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. While welcoming the memo, the repositories claim that the ‘rational choice’ for making research immediately accessible would be to mandate preprints for all federally funded research.

Publié in Samuel Moore
Auteur Samuel Moore

I’ve just uploaded ‘The Politics of Rights Retention’ to my Humanities Commons site: The article is a preprint of a commentary currently under consideration for a special issue on open access publishing. Abstract This article presents a commentary on the recent resurgence of interest in the practice of rights retention in scholarly publishing.

Publié in GigaBlog

Gothenburg, Sweden played host to the Research Data Alliance (RDA) RDA20 plenary from March 20th to 24th 2023. A hybrid event with most sessions recorded and made available via the Whova app for registered participants. Recordings will be made available on Monday, 1 May 2023 to the wider community.

Publié in GigaBlog

GigaScience Press is pleased to announce GigaByte journal is now indexed in PubMed and PubMed Central (PMC) databases run by the US National Library of Medicine. PubMed being a searchable database of biomedical citations and abstracts, and PMC being a free digital archive of the full-text of Open Access articles.

Publié in Gemeinsamer Blog der DINI AGs
Auteur Gastautor(en)

Die Identifizierung von Publikationen, die auf Grundlage von Open-Access-Rechten (OA-Rechten) aus Allianz-, National- oder Konsortiallizenzen zweitveröffentlicht werden dürfen (green open access), ist bislang mit einem erheblichen, oft manuellen Arbeitsaufwand verbunden. Dazu zählt neben der Feststellung, an welchen Lizenzverträgen mit OA-Rechten die eigene Einrichtung teilnimmt, auch die Ermittlung der darin enthaltenen Zeitschriften.