Messages de Rogue Scholar

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GigaByte Journal wins the ALPSP Innovation Award for their interactive articles and tools aimed at fulfilling the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science We at GigaScience Press are very pleased to announce that our newest journal GigaByte has won the 2022 ALPSP Award for Innovation in Scholarly Publishing.

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Auteur Georg Fischer

Lässt sich der Gedanke von offenen Lizenzen auch auf die Landwirtschaft übertragen? Die Initiative Open Source Seeds formuliert Lizenzbedingungen für Open-Source-Saatgut. Das soll die Vielfalt erhalten und Konzern-Monopole eindämmen – auf dem Acker genauso wie auf unseren Tellern. Die Landwirtschaft ist durchzogen von Patenten und Privatisierung.

Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing. Today’s post features Natascha Chtena, a postdoctoral fellow and research coordinator for the Value of Openness, Inclusion, Communication, and Engagement for Science in a Post-Pandemic World (VOICES) project at the ScholCommLab.

Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin
Auteur Maatje Sophia Duine

Authors: Maaike Duine (ORCiD) and Franziska Harnisch (ORCiD) In March 2022, the 9th international Open Science conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance took place. Just like last year, the conference was online and preceded by the Open Science Barcamp. The conference and Barcamp topics revolved around multiple aspects of Open Science, from community building and public engagement, to FAIR research software and data mining.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

In March, The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) celebrated, together with the generous funders and the projects involved (including OpenCitations), the achievement of an amazing milestone: a total of 4 million Euros raised so far for supporting the growth and development of Open Science Infrastructures.

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Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

Want to keep yourself updated about the ongoing activities of OpenCitations? We have now publicly released the OpenCitations Roadmap, available on The OpenCitations Roadmap consists of a board fulfilled with colour-labelled cards which present the goals so far reached, the present projects and activities, and the future plans.

Publié in OpenCitations blog
Auteur Chiara Di Giambattista

The incentives for new OpenCitations innovative solutions Two years ago, in their canonical 2020 QSS paper on OpenCitations, Silvio Peroni and David Shotton anticipated the creation of the new database, OpenCitations Meta, able to “offer a faster and richer service” by storing bibliographic metadata “in house”. Meta would “ avoid duplication of data by efficiently permitting us to keep […] a single copy of the metadata for each of the

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Auteur Silvio Peroni

This post was first published on QWERTY: musings from the rabbit hole, a blog by Silvio Peroni A few months ago, I was invited to have a talk at the European Computer Science Symposium on an aspect of my research I particularly care about, that of open citations.