Messages de Rogue Scholar

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Schistocephalus solidus is as an emblematic study system in parasitology, first discovered by Peter Christian Abildgaard as far back as 1790, as having an extremely complicated life-cycle with multiple developmental states and host species (parasitizing crustaceans, fish and birds). Its fitting that such a classical model system has been used to showcase novel mechanisms of crediting and sharing research protocols in a reproducible

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** GigaScience has Tapeworms and Scabies! And Reproducible Research. **While there has been recent controversy (and hashtags in response) from some of the more conservative sections of the medical community calling those who use or build on previous data “research parasites”, as data publishers we strongly disagree with this.

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A new portrait of Obama shows a spineless, slimy, gutter dweller, and in GigaScience today we give you unprecedented insight into what makes them tick. Don’t worry, we haven’t encroached upon Fox News to provide partisan political commentary for the US elections, we are talking about the Obama genus of leaf-shaped Planerians from South America.

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OPTIMising Genome Assembly This month brings new additions to our exciting and on-going Optical Mapping series. Outside of a handful of key genomes, due to deficiencies in the short sequencing read lengths that have backed genome assembly, we lack reference genomes that are finished to high standards that can support comprehensive analyses.