Messages de Rogue Scholar

Auteur Ingo Rohlfing

The article “Resolving empirical controversies with mechanistic evidence” discusses the potential of using evidence about mechanisms to resolve statistical disagreements and aid in choosing the correct quantitative model. While there are challenges and uncertainties in this approach, it emphasizes the value of theorizing about mechanisms and collecting evidence about them, especially in disciplines like economics.

Publié in Syntaxus baccata

Version 0.7.9 of Citation.js comes with a new feature: plugin-bibtex now supports the import and export of Data Annotations in BibLaTeX files. This means ORCID identifiers from DOI, Wikidata, CFF, and other sources can now be exported to BibLaTeX. Combined with a BibLaTeX style that displays ORCID identifiers, you can now quickly improve your reference lists with ORCIDs.

Publié in Front Matter

This week the Rogue Scholar science blog archive has added author affiliation name and ROR ID to the DOI metadata of about 2,500 of its 15K blog posts registered with Crossref. This makes Front Matter (the Crossref member registering Rogue Scholar DOIs) one of the top 10 ROR early adopters in Crossref metadata.

Author: Vaibhav Khobragade ( ORCID: 0009–0009–8807–5982) Introduction Large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly popular in natural language processing for their superior competence in various applications.

Auteur Xuzeng He

Latest findings for the use of Knowledge Graph in the field of QA in multiple research directions Author: Xuzeng He ( ORCID: 0009–0005–7317–7426) Question Answering (QA), the ability to interact with data using natural language questions and obtaining accurate results, has been a long-standing challenge in computer science dating back to the 1960s.

Transformative Advances in Language Models through External Knowledge Integration Author: Qingqin Fang ( ORCID: 0009–0003–5348–4264) Introduction In the dynamic field of natural language processing, the integration of external knowledge has emerged as a pivotal strategy for enhancing the performance of language models.

Unlocking the power of knowledge graphs in research catalogues: A deep dive into OpenAlex Author: Dhruv Gupta (ORCID: 0009–0004–7109–5403 ) Clive Humby, in 2006 rightly said, “Data is the new oil”. With data being present everywhere, it has never been more valuable.

Auteur Wenyi Pi

Enhancing Open-Domain Conversational Question Answering with Knowledge-Enhanced Models and Knowledge Graphs How knowledge-enhanced language models and knowledge graphs are advancing open-domain conversational question answering Author: Wenyi Pi (ORCID: 0009-0002-2884-2771 ) When searching for information on the website, it is common to come across a flood of

Auteur Atarraya

(Parte I) por Ludmila Scheinkman En estas líneas quiero reflexionar, aunque de forma más bien experiencial, en torno a mi trayectoria en tanto historiadora, trabajando con autobiografías. Una trayectoria que es un poco accidental, medio casual, pero en estas líneas voy a tratar de darle un sentido.