Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Everything is Connected
Auteur Ernesto Priego

L ike every year I drafted an end-of-year newsletter round-up for The Comics Grid this year. 2022 was our 12th year and therefore our 12th volume. I’d like to personally thank everyone involved in the production of the Grid: without everyone’s participation nothing would have been possible. For personal preservation purposes I have copied and pasted below the text from the newsletter.

Publié in Front Matter

In a blog post last week I talked about what I am currently working on, namely a) helping to make it easier (and safer) to run the InvenioRDM digital repository software in Docker container infrastructure, and b) working on converting the bolognese metadata conversion Ruby gem to Python to enhance InvenioRDM functionality.

Publié in Upstream
Auteurs Bianca Kramer, Ludo Waltman, Jeroen Sondervan, Jeroen Bosman

Researchers, librarians, policy makers, and practitioners often complain about the scholarly publishing system, but the system also offers exciting opportunities to contribute to innovations in the way academic findings are disseminated and evaluated.

Publié in Front Matter

In August 2021 I joined the InvenioRDM project to help develop and host a modern repository platform for scholarly content. Things didn't exactly go as planned at the beginning of 2022, and I spent five months in the hospital with serious personal health issues. Since returning home in early June, my health has improved considerably, and in September I was able to slowly start working again.

Publié in Front Matter

Since last year this blog is powered by the Ghost open source blogging platform. Two important and long-standing shortcomings of the platform were search and comments, which I added via integrating third-party tools (Typesense and Discourse, respectively). In the last several weeks Ghost team has worked hard to add these features to the core platform, described here and here.

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Auteur Maya El-Auwad

Weniger Cookie-Banner, weniger Werbung, mehr Transparenz und Verbraucher*innenschutz? Ein neues EU-Gesetz verspricht ein besseres Internet. Es nimmt dabei die großen Tech-Plattformen wie Meta, Google oder Amazon in den Fokus und die Verantwortung. Wir stellen die europäischen Pläne vor. Wie können große digitale Plattformen demokratisch kontrolliert werden? Welche Standards sollen im Netz gelten? Und wie lassen sie sich durchsetzen?

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Auteur Maya El-Auwad

Während Rechteinhaber*innen die Einführung von Uploadfiltern bejubelten, sahen Kritiker*innen die Meinungsfreiheit bedroht. Der Europäische Gerichtshof hat jetzt Zweifel an der Reform und speziell an der Verwendung von Uploadiltern ausgeräumt. Gleichzeitig nimmt er die Mitgliedstaaten in die Pflicht.