Messages de Rogue Scholar


Thanks to a quite overdue update of Hugo on our build system 1 , our website can now harness the full power of Hugo code highlighting for Markdown-based content.What’s code highlighting apart from the reason behind a tongue-twister in this post title?In this post we shall explain how Hugo’s code highlighter, Chroma, helps you prettify your code (i.e. syntax highlighting ), and accentuate parts of your code (i.e. line

Auteur Scott Chamberlain

parzer is a new package for handling messy geographic coordinates.The first version is now on CRAN, with binaries coming soon hopefully (seenote about installation below). The package recently completed rOpenScireview.parzer motivation The idea for this package started with a tweet from Noam Ross( about 15 months ago.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Jeroen Ooms

The latest version of the rOpenSci av package includes some useful new tools for working with audio data. We have added functions for reading, cutting, converting, transforming, and plotting audio data in any popular audio / video format (mp3, mkv, aac, etc). The functionality can either be used by itself, or to prepare audio data for further analysis in R using other packages.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Jeroen Ooms

As of earlier this year, we are now automatically building binaries and pkgdown documentation for all rOpenSci packages. One issue we encountered is that some packages include vignettes that require some special tools/data/credentials, which are unavailable on generic build servers.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Scott Chamberlain

If you have an R package on CRAN, you probably know about CRAN checks. Each package on CRAN, that is not archived on CRAN 1 , has a checks page, like this one for ropenaq: The table above is results of running R CMD CHECK on the package on a combination of different operating systems, R versions and compilers.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Scott Chamberlain

citecorp is a new (hit CRAN in late August) R package for working with data from theOpenCitations Corpus (OCC).OpenCitations, run by David Shotton and Silvio Peroni,houses the OCC, an open repository of scholarly citation dataunder the very open CC0 license.

We strive for high quality in our suite of packages, in practice via a system of software peer review, and via packaging guidelines that keep growing. There is therefore a risk of increasing the workload of package authors, who already have a lot on their plate. To avoid that, when explaining how to do things in our dev guide, we recommend existing automated tools to authors.

Auteur Jeroen Ooms

Last month we released a new version of pdftools and a new companion package qpdf for working with pdf files in R. This release introduces the ability to perform pdf transformations, such as splitting and combining pages from multiple files. Moreover, the pdf_data() function which was introduced in pdftools 2.0 is now available on all major systems.Split and Join PDF files It is now possible to split, join, and compress pdf files with pdftools.