Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

Item 1 : With his new piece at the Guardian,  “Persistent myths about open access scientific publishing”, Mike continues to be a thorn in the side of exploitative commercial publishers, who just can’t seem to keep their facts straight.

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Die Europäische Kommission hat diese Tage die Ergebnisse einer Konsultation zur Zugänglichkeit und Erhaltung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen und Forschungsdaten veröffentlicht (PDF). Die Ergebnisse der Umfrage sprechen eine deutliche Sprache: 84 % der Befragten widersprechen der Aussage „there is no access problem to scientific publications in Europe“ zu. Desweiteren widersprechen 87 % der Aussage “there is no access problem for

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I wrote yesterday that Open Access had been the front-page story in the Guardian .  Thanks to Mark Wainwright of the Open Knowledge Foundation, I now have photos of both the front cover and the double-page inside spread: For anyone who doesn’t know, the Guardian is one of the four “broadsheets” or “qualities” among Britain’s national daily newspapers.

Folks — important news on Research Councils UK’s new draft open access policy.  A while back I wrote to RCUK asking when the deadline for submissions is, and I did eventually hear back from Jane Wakefield, Press and Communications Manager. The deadline is Tuesday 10th April — not today, as I’d originally thought thanks to a game of Chinese whispers.

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Auteur Ulrich Herb

Im Juni 2011 vereinbarten die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPG, das Howard Hughes  Medical Institute (USA) und der Wellcome Trust (UK), gemeinsam die Herausgabe eines Open-Access-Journals mit dem Titel eLife aus dem Bereich der Biomedizin/Life Sciences zu unterstützen.

The story so far … Nature Precedings is, or was, a preprint server, somewhat in the spirit of an arXiv for biology.  It describes, or described, itself as “a permanent, citable archive for pre-publication research and preliminary findings”. This is a very useful thing.

Just a quick note that I’m the interview subject in the P.S.I.O.N podcast this week.  P.S.I.O.N is the Paediatric Surgery International Online Network — an area far outside my expertise, but of course what we talked about was open access rather than paediatric surgery.