Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

If you live within striking distance of Norman, Oklahoma, and you have some time free next Monday and Tuesday, August 26 and 27, and you care enough about dinosaurs to be on SV-POW! reading this, then I have good news for you.

Publié in Daniel S. Katz's blog

(Please cite this post as A few things recently have made me think about how we support the core work of maintaining research software and supporting its users. I was interviewed by Georgia Iacovou for her report, “The state of the open source ecosystem &

Publié in Bayesically Speaking

Introduction Let’s be honest, being a statistician or a scientist isn’t just about crunching numbers all day . It’s more like being a detective, a problem solver, and yeah, throwing in some math for good measure. When we get into non-linear models , things really start to get interesting. We’re not just drawing straight lines anymore;

Auteur Vincent van Hees

R packages, like any software, require maintenance. Package maintenance includes:Fixing bugs when discovered.Adapting to updates in package dependencies.Providing some level of user and contributor support.When desired, refactoring code or adding new functionality. Without maintenance efforts a package is at risk of losing its value. Yet, maintaining a package for years or even decades can be challenging as it is time consuming.

Publié in Everything is Connected
Auteur Ernesto Priego

O nce more I feel inclined to write something about recovering time, focus and agency for ourselves. The very act of writing, and of writing something here , is a key part of that need. Writing, not an email, not a text message, not work notes, not a post or comment on other social media, but taking the time to write, just because, as an attempt to make time and reconsider things.

Publié in Open Access Blog Berlin
Auteur Sascha Eckhold

Um das Arbeiten mit offen lizenzierten Bildungsmaterialien zu unterstützen: Die Universitätsbibliothek der Freien Universität Berlin bietet seit kurzem eine neue Informations- und Serviceplattform für OER.

Publié in Divulga-CI
Auteur Divulga-CI

Editorial: Os atletas, os cientistas e a trombeta de Clio, por Pedro Andretta e Marcos Hübner Entrevista: Claudio Rafael Almeida de Souza, Luís Fernando Vanin e Thalyta Braga Barboza Perspectiva: Giulia Crippa, Luzia Sigoli Fernandes Costa e Priscilla Régis Cunha de Queiroz Inovação: Mapa das Bibliotecas Especializadas do Estado do Espírito Santo, de Merielem Frasson da Silva e Lucileide Andrade de Lima do Nascimento Outras divulgações: Ações

Publié in Divulga-CI
Auteur Divulga-CI

"No mundo dos esportes e na Ciência, o encontro intergeracional, a ação colaborativa e cooperativa e as pessoas inspiradoras constroem as possibilidades de renovação e inovação. Se não fosse Daiane dos Santos, Marta ou Thaisa não teríamos as seleções que temos hoje; igual, no mundo da Ciência, sem Bertha Lutz, Cesar Lattes ou Lélia Gonzalez o cenário científico nacional seria completamente distinto", destacam os Editores.

Publié in Divulga-CI
Auteur Divulga-CI

Confira nossa entrevista com o pesquisador Claudio Souza, mestre em Artes Visuais e museólogo, ambos pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Em sua dissertação, Claudio explorou os oratórios, sobretudo, os utilizados no exercício religioso privado do baiano e que se encontram em residências, asilos, capelas, antiquários e museus da Cidade do Salvador, Bahia. Na entrevista, descubra mais sobre sua pesquisa e as expectativas do pesquisador.