Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in kumulonimbus

Leaflet es una biblioteca de Javascript para hacer mapas y existe un paquete homónimo para que permite usar todo el potencial de leaflet en nuestros mapas y hacerlos interactivos y aptos para móviles. Para crear un mapa en blanco se usa la función leaflet. La función addTiles() agrega “tiles” de OpenStreetMap.

Publié in Economics from the Top Down
Auteur Blair Fix

Welcome to the first post of ‘Economics from the Top Down’. This will be a blog about new ideas in economics and the social sciences. I use the word ‘economics’ in a liberal sense. Few trained economists will recognize what I do as ‘economics’. Perhaps a better word would be ‘political economy’. Or even better, just ‘social science’. But before diving into the content of this blog, I should introduce myself. My name is Blair Fix.

Publié in kumulonimbus

RStudio es el entorno de desarrollo para R más popular hoy en día. Su instalación en Manjaro (y otras distribuciones basadas en Arch Linux) es muy sencilla pero requiere usar el repositorio mantenidos por los usuarios, conocido como Arch User Repository (AUR). Usualmente, se usaba yaourt para instalar paquetes del AUR pero dado que este fue descontinuado, tendremos que instalar yay , uno de sus sustitutos.

Publié in Andrew Heiss's blog

(See this notebook on GitHub) A year ago, I wrote about how to use R to solve a typical microeconomics problem: finding the optimal price and quantity of some product given its demand and cost. Doing this involves setting the first derivatives of two functions equal to each other and using algebra to find where they cross.

Publié in Andrew Heiss's blog

I am so beyond thrilled to announce that I’ll be joining the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University in Fall 2019 as an assistant professor in the Department of Public Management and Policy. I’ll be teaching classes in statistics/data science, economics, and nonprofit management in beautiful downtown Atlanta, and we’ll be moving back to the South. I am so so excited about this!

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Scott Chamberlain

There is an increasing set of R packages for interacting with the web from R, whether it be the low level tools to interact with the web via http (see RCurl and httr), parsing data from the web (like RJSONIO and XML), or wrappers to web APIs that provide data (like twitteR). Most of you probably know about CRAN Task Views that aggregate information about R packages and functions on a particular subject area into a simple web page.

Publié in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Auteur Scott Chamberlain

Good discovery tools for sotware are important as they can facilitate the pace of software development, bugs are found and squashed and new features added more quickly, and users find software they need faster. We have a page on our website for our packages that provides an overview of the packages we have, with descriptions and links.