Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

The conventional procedures for reporting analysis or new results in science is to compose an “article”, augment that perhaps with “supporting information” or “SI”, submit to a journal which undertakes peer review, with revision as necessary for acceptance and finally publication. If errors in the original are later identified, a separate corrigendum can be submitted to the same journal, although this is relatively rare.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

For perhaps ten years now, the future of scientific publishing has been hotly debated. The traditional models are often thought to be badly broken, although convergence to a consensus of what a better model should be is not apparently close. But to my mind, much of this debate seems to miss one important point, how to publish data.

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Auteur David Pachali

Fachartikel auf der Plattform Researchgate sind Wissenschafts­verlagen zunehmend ein Dorn im Auge. Nun haben der Verlag Elsevier und die Fachgesellschaft American Chemical Society angekündigt, Klagen gegen den Dienst einzureichen. Parallel wollen die Verlage Artikel von der Plattform löschen lassen. Wissenschaftliche Publikationen, die von Forschern auf dem Dienst Researchgate hochgeladen wurden, könnten dort bald verstärkt gelöscht werden.

Publié in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Chemical and engineering news (C&EN) is asking people to vote for their molecule of the year from six highlighted candidates. This reminded me of the history of internet-based “ molecules of the moment “. It is thought that the concept originated in December 1995 here at Imperial and in January 1996 at Bristol University by Paul May and we were joined by Karl Harrison at Oxford shortly thereafter.

Publié in Europe PMC News Blog
Auteur Europe PMC Team

Papers published by the American Chemical Society (ACS) under their Open Choice option are now available in PMC and UKPMC. Currently around 110 papers – drawn from 20 ACS journal titles – are now freely available. These papers can be found by running the following search on UKPMC: ACS Author Choice [filter] All future papers published under this model will be made available through these repositories at the time of publication.