Messages de Rogue Scholar

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My article describing BioStor — "Extracting scientific articles from a large digital archive: BioStor and the Biodiversity Heritage Library" — has finally seen the light of day in BMC Bioinformatics (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-187, the DOI is not working at the moment, give it a little while to go live, meantime you can access the article here).Getting this article published was more work than I expected.

Publié in iPhylo

Finally submitted (two days late) a manuscript for the BMC Bioinformatics Special Issue on Biodiversity Informatics organised by Neil Sarkar and sponsored by EOL and CBOL. The manuscript, entitled "bioGUID: resolving, discovering, and minting identifiers for biodiversity informatics" describes my bioGUID project. If you are interested made pre-print available at Nature Precedings (hdl:10101/npre.2009.3079.1).