Messages de Rogue Scholar


A lot of what I do as rOpenSci’s community assistant is related to social media.I check for posts about rOpenSci packages, invite people to share usecases,advertise upcoming events, as well as promotingnew packages which completed software peer review.

When GitHub announced support for CITATION.cfffiles I though ofcreating a package that would assist R developers in this matter. I was alreadyusing codemetar for most of my packages,so I was familiar with the creation of these kind of metadata files.

“Continuous Integration” (CI) has become a standard for proper software development.Checking the integrity of software after changes have been made is essential to ensure its proper functionality.Also, CI helps catch problems introduced by dependencies early when executed on a regular basis (usually done via scheduled CRON runs). Multiple professional providers exist (Travis CI, AppVeyor CI, Circle CI, etc.) which offer CI services to the