Messages de Rogue Scholar


I found myself needing a checklist so that I could make sure I’d updated all the various web-pages that needed tweaking after the Haestasaurus paper came out. Then I thought others might find it useful for when they have new papers. So here it is. Update my online publications list. Update my University of Bristol IR page. (Note to self: start here.) Create a new page about paper in the SV-POW! sidebar.

Publié in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week
Auteur Matt Wedel

In the recent post on OMNH 1670, a dorsal vertebra of a giant Apatosaurus from the Oklahoma panhandle, I half-promised to post the only published figure of this vertebra, from Stovall (1938: fig. 3.3). So here it is: And in the second comment on that post, I promised a sketch from one of my notebooks, showing how much of the vertebra is reconstructed. Here’s a scan of the relevant page from my notebook.