Messages de Rogue Scholar


Our lab is growing! In our Three Questions series, we’re profiling each of our members and the amazing work they’re doing. Today, we’re highlighting Alyssa Jeffrey, a first year master’s student in the School of Information Studies at the University of Ottawa and a research assistant at the ScholCommLab.

“I am convinced that openness and transparency make research outputs and outcomes better,” says Stefanie Haustein when asked what motivates her to practice open scholarship. “Knowledge produced by the scholarly community should be open to all, not hidden behind paywalls.”

Designed to support “innovators developing prototypes or community projects to improve open science and research communication,” the eLife Innovation Program offers a mix of expert advice, presentations by guest speakers, collaborative workshopping, homework assignments, mentorship, and more.

Join us for the next Open Science Beers YVR Thursday, March 14, 2019 6 PM – 9 PM The Emerald (555 Gore Ave) About Open Science Beers YVR During last year’s FORCE11 conference, the idea was born to recreate Montreal’s popular Open Science Beers event right here in our very own Vancouver. Now, that idea has become a reality. Each month, we’re bringing together friends of Open Science* for a casual evening of drinks and conversation.

Publié in Jabberwocky Ecology

Last week Zack Brym and I formally announced a semester long Data Carpentry course that we’ve have been building over the last year. One of the things I’m most excited about in this effort is our attempt to support collaborative lesson development for university/college coursework.