Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

In a few hours I will be giving a short presentation to the whole of the PSB conference on the workshop that we ran on Monday. We are still thinking through the details of what has come out of this and hopefully the discussion will continue in any case so this is a personal view. The slides for the presentation are available at Slideshare. To me there were a couple of key points that came out.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

As I noted in the last post we are rapidly counting down towards the final few days before the Open Science Workshop at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. I am flying out from Sydney to Hawaii this afternoon and may or may not have network connectivity in the days leading up the meeting. So just some quick notes here on where you can find any final information if you are coming or if you want to follow online.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

Image via Wikipedia I’m aware I’ve been trailing this idea around for sometime now but its been difficult to pin down due to issues with room bookings. However I’m just going to go ahead and if we end up meeting in a local bar then so be it! If Southampton becomes too difficult I might organise to have it at RAL instead but Southampton is more convenient in many ways.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

What Shirley said: The call for participation for the Open Science workshop at PSB 2009 is now up! We welcome anyone with an interest in open science to submit proposals for talks. Note that although space is limited for talks and demos, anyone who registers for the conference can present a poster, so we also encourage poster submissions! Please if you are interested in submitting a talk or poster get in touch.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

Shirley has already posted a quick notice on this but I thought I would follow up. Our proposal for a session at the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing on Open Science was successful and we have been asked to put together a workshop session to run on January 5 next year in Hawaii. This is a slight departure for PSB. The workshop sessions are slightly shorter than the traditional sessions and full papers will not feature in the proceedings.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

I have got very behind. I’ve only just realised just how far behind but my excuse is that I have been rather busy. How far behind I was was brought home by the fact that I hadn’t actually commented as yet that the proposal for an Open Science session at PSB that was driven primarily by Shirley Wu has gone in and the proposal is now up at Nature Precedings. The posting there has already generated some new contacts.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

If you’ve been following the discussion here and over at the One Big Lab Blog you will know that tomorrow is the deadline for submission of proposals for sessions at PSB. Shirley Wu has done a great job of putting together the proposal text and the more support we can get from members of the community the better.

Publié in Science in the Open
Auteur Cameron Neylon

Shirley Wu has followed up on her original proposal to submit a session proposal for PSB. She asks a series of important questions about going forward on this and I thought I would reply to these here to widen exposure. I think it is worth going for a session and I am happy to lead the application but there may well be better people; Jean-Claude, Antony Williams, Peter Murray-Rust, Egon Willighagen to get to lead it depending on focus.