Messages de Rogue Scholar

Publié in lab.sub - Articles
Auteur Mathias Göbel

Since a couple of years we prepare applications for the eXist-db ecosystem based on the EXPath Package standard. Last week we setup the first test environment. No questions; no excuses: Tests are extremely important! In some cases one can start developing a software by specifying a test, so called Test Driven Development.

Publié in lab.sub - Articles
Auteur Mathias Göbel

It has been quite a while since the last version of SADE – the TextGrid flavoured version of the »Scalable Architecture for Digital Editions« – was published. Here is a new version, with a new deployment strategy and a complete new architecture. Everything is new in 2018. Once this version of SADE was derived from a development that Alexander Czmiel (TELOTA at BBAW) promoted in »Editio ex machina - Digital Scholarly Editions out of the Box«.