
Computer and information sciences

PLoS One: Interview with Peter Binfield


At SciBar Camp Palo Alto last month, Peter Binfield from PLoS ONE gave a very interesting presentation on Article-level metrics from the PLoS perspective. Particularly interesting was his announcement that <strong> PLoS </strong> journals will provide usage data (HTML pageviews, PDF and XML downloads) for all their articles in September.

Computer and information sciences

Supplementary Information: should I stay or should I go?


On August 11, the <strong> Journal of Neuroscience </strong> published an Announcement Regarding Supplemental Material by Editor-in-Chief John Maunsell. In it John Maunsell announces that the journal in November will stop accepting supplementary material in article submissions. The announcement has lead to an extensive discussion in the science blogosphere with a number of relevant posts listed below[^1]: <em> Drugmonkey </em> : Yay!