Messaggi di Rogue Scholar

Pubblicato in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Just a quick post today, to refute an incorrect idea about open access that has unfortunately been propagated from time to time. That is the idea that if (say) PLOS were acquired by a barrier-based publisher such as Taylor and Francis, then its papers could be hidden behind paywalls and effectively lost to the world.

Pubblicato in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

It’s nearly two years since Alexander Brown wrote Open access: why academic publishers still add value for the Guardian, in which he listed ways that he feels publishers make a contribution. I wrote a lengthy comment in response — long enough that it got truncated at 5000 characters and I had to post a second comment with the tail end. At the time, I intended to turn that comment into an SV-POW!

Pubblicato in Jabberwocky Ecology

A couple of months ago Micah J. Marty and I had a twitter conversation and subsequent email exchange about how citations worked with preprints. I asked Micah if I could share our email discussion since I thought it would be useful to others and he kindly said yes. What follows are Michah’s questions followed by my responses. At the level of the journal nothing happens.

Pubblicato in Jabberwocky Ecology

This is a guest post by Elita Baldridge (@elitabaldridge) I am currently the remotely working member of Weecology, finishing up my PhD in the lower elevation and better air of Kansas, while the rest of my colleagues are still in Utah, due to developing a chronic illness and finally getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  The relocation is actually working out really well.  I’m in better shape because I’m not having to

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Es müssen harte Zeiten für Stevan Harnard sein. Er, der sich immer vehement für eine Stärkung von Green OA eingesetzt hat, muss faktisch machtlos zusehen, wie die britischen Universitäten das vom RCUK erhaltene Geld (35 Mio Pfund für 2013-2015) für Gold und Hybrid OA verprassen.

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Die DFG verlängert die Unterstützung von institutionellen OA-Publikationsfonds bis Ende 2020. Neu wird dabei eine höhere Eigenbeteiligung von 20% (erste zwei Jahre) auf bis zu 60% (sechstes Jahr) verlangt. Diplomatisch heisst es dazu in der Information für die Wissenschaft vom 23.9.2014: Aus Sicht der DFG ist dieser Schritt gut nachvollziehbar.

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Die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz hatten bereits 2006 die Berliner Erklärung unterzeichnet. Nun legt die Akademie der Medzinischen Wissenschaften (SAMW) mit einem neuen Positionspapier «Open Access»: Für einen freien Zugang zu Forschungsergebnissen nach.

Pubblicato in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I was skim-reading the Political Studies Association’s evidence submitted to RCUK’s review. I was struck by one part that perpetuates a common but completely unfounded misapprehension: There may be concern, but it’s misplaced. Using CC By does not allow your work to be misrepresented.