Messaggi di Rogue Scholar

Pubblicato in CST Online
Autore John Ellis

The more data we have, the less we can trust it. This is certainly true in the case of IMDb, the so-called movie database that is increasingly used by students and educators alike. Superficially, it has a history that shouts ‘trust me’: founded by a British film fan Col Needham before the World Wide Web even existed, it lived at one time on Cardiff University’s servers. Though later acquired and monetised by Amazon, Needham remains in charge.

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Autore Robert A. Gehring

Wer schon immer an der Biographie/Diskographie seiner Lieblingsmusiker und -innen herumbasteln wollte, darf sich ab sofort bei SoundUnwound, einer Art Musiker-Wiki von IMDb und Amazon austoben. Vorerst gibt es SoundUnwound nur in englischer Sprache; ob nach dem Vorbild von Wikipedia andere Sprachen folgen werden, ist derzeit nicht bekannt.