Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Liberate Science
Authors Chris Hartgerink, Mikael Laakso

Every now and then we feature work that is shared in Hypergraph. You can choose to read it here or open it in Hypergraph (download Hypergraph here). Content suggestions can be sent to Cover image courtesy of CrossRef (CC-BY 4.0). The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is like a digital address book: One DOI name resolves to information on the location of the content.

Published in Le blog Zotero francophone
Author Collectif

L’année 2022 a été riche en actualités Zotero, avec notamment la publication de Zotero v6. Notre dernier bulletin de veille date pourtant de décembre 2021… Avec le présent bulletin, nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter l’index des bulletins de veille, qui reprend par grandes rubriques tous les contenus déjà publiés dans les bulletins.

Published in Chris Hartgerink
Author Chris Hartgerink

I read a lot of news, but I do not like being consumed by it. The balance between what's happening now (news), the short or long past (history), and potential futures (foresight or analysis) is a rough one to keep. This post is about making sure that sources are readily accessible where possible, straight from the news. Part of not becoming consumed by the news and its biases is doing source research and verifying information.

Published in Project THOR

Project THOR is coming to a close. Our final event was held in Italy on 15 November at ‘La Sapienza’ – the University of Rome – just a stone’s throw from Michelangelo’s impressive sculpture of Moses in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli. The day combined a retrospective review of THOR’s achievements and impact with a forward-looking perspective on the wider persistent identifier (PID) landscape.

Published in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive is open to science blogs that want to be enhanced by adding long-term archiving, DOI registration, and full-text search. The currently 56 participating blogs represent a broad spectrum of topics, people, and communities. Today I want to go into more detail into one particular Rogue Scholar use case: science blogs for grant-funded projects.

Published in GigaBlog

GigaScience has always had a focus on reproducibility rather than subjective impact, and it can be challenging for our reviewers to judge this, especially now that more and more tools are being created – bringing data science to the masses.  This also means more efficiency and ease is required especially when multiple collaborators and contributors on a specific project are involved.