Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Critical Metascience
Autor Mark Rubin

Preregistration Distinguishes Between Exploratory and Confirmatory Research? Previous justifications for preregistration have focused on the distinction between “exploratory” and “confirmatory” research. However, as I discuss in this recent presentation, this distinction faces unresolved questions.

Publicados in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I first had this thought in 2019, and I started this draft in early 2020, but…you know how that particular story turned out. I’m picking it back up again now because I’ve had the titular point reinforced on several trips and projects over the past couple of years. And because I think it’s ultimately a hopeful message. If you are interested in making anatomical discoveries, good!

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

Scholarly articles provide context to the factualness of statements in Wikidata, similar to the [citation needed] in Wikipedia. And just like the cited references in each scholarly article itself. The citation network is general seen as an essential part of (doing) science, even without citation intention annotation.

Publicados in Chris Hartgerink
Autor Chris Hartgerink

I am a member of the Society for Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) – have been since 2017. I joined their yearly conferences every other year starting in 2017, but I will not be joining the 2025 conference in Budapest, Hungary. For me, the big selling point of SIPS are the people – the location choice for 2025 (unintentionally) signals that some people are less important.

Publicados in
Autor Björn Brembs

In a discussion about what decisions are, John Krakauer emphatically pronounced that “decisions happen for reasons”, in answering ‘no’ to my question if it wasn’t a decision with which foot to start walking from a stand-still. A recent article from the laboratory of Carolina Rezaval in Birmingham studied a decision-making process in male Drosophila fruit flies where the reasons for each decision seemed apparent.

R es un lenguaje y un entorno para la computación estadística.Existen varias herramientas y enfoques para interactuar con R, pero no todos son accesibles con lectores de pantalla.Esta guía proporciona una visión general de las herramientas y técnicas disponibles para las personas que usan lectores de pantalla en diferentes sistemas operativos, con consejos prácticos y recursos para ayudarles a navegar por el entorno R.Puede que esta guía no esté

Publicados in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Liz Hare

R is a language and environment for statistical computing.There are several tools and approaches for interacting with R, but not all are accessible with screen readers.This guide provides an overview of the tools and techniques available to screen reader users across different operating systems, with practical tips and resources to help them navigate the R environment.This guide may not be complete, but I hope it serves as a valuable starting

Autores Catharina Ochsner, Heinz Pampel

Project launch: Infra Wiss Blogs - Ensuring Permanent Access to Scholarly Blogs We are excited to announce the launch of our new project, “Infra Wiss Blogs - Kooperative Informationsinfrastruktur für wissenschaftliche Blogs” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG 2023). Blogs have become an indispensable component of digital science communication, serving as a platform for scholarly communication, a diary for documenting research

Publicados in COREF Blog
Autor re3data Team

Summer Meeting of the Editorial Board The editorial board was able to get together in person over the summer, meeting for two days in June at the library of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). It was a great opportunity to on-board our new editors and to reconnect with colleagues to focus on updates and improvements to the registry. In addition to the work, the group enjoyed good food and fellowship in the evening.