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Stories by Kristian Garza on Medium

Stories by Kristian Garza on Medium
Stories by Kristian Garza on Medium
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In the winding world of academic research, the quest for an appropriate repository to store and share scholarly data has been akin to a modern-day odyssey. Traditionally, this journey involved wading through static pages and search indexes, a process both time-consuming and fraught with uncertainty.


Large language models have been making waves in artificial intelligence for a good reason. These models have the ability to understand and generate human language, which has far-reaching implications for the future of technology. One area where these models have a significant impact is in the realm of software development.


Academic Publishing web forms meet your demise: The unstoppable rise of large language models (ChatGPT) As we enter the age of artificial intelligence, it’s worth considering how large language models will revolutionize how we interact with websites and applications. Web forms have been the dominant method for users to input data and complete tasks online for decades.