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Syntaxus baccata

Syntaxus baccata
Thoughts about bibliographic metadata, programming, statistics, taxonomy, and biology.
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Today I worked on three user scripts for Wikidata. Together, these tools hopefully make the data in Wikidata more accessible and make it easier to navigate between items. To enable these, include one or more of the following lines in your common.js (depending on which script(s) you want): mw.loader.load('//');


The new update, v0.4.4, contains a few Wikidata improvements (commit): 22 new mappings 2 fixed mappings (ISSN did not work and publisher-place was mapped to the wrong thing) 2 improved mappings (container-title for chapters and more URL mappings) 1 removed mapping (genre was inconsistent with the intended use, although it followed the specification) Because most of these mappings require additional resources (recipient has to fetch people,


I am in the process of creating a better way to map CSL types to Wikidata types together with Jakob Voß, and while listing all subtypes of web page, I came across a number of these cases (link): #defaultView:Graph SELECT ?a ?aLabel ?b ?bLabel WHERE { wd:Q58803899 wdt:P279* ?a . ?a wdt:P279 ?b . FILTER EXISTS { ?b wdt:P279* wd:Q386724 . } SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } I’m no expert on


This week, the big achievement is the addition of a multi-step form to add the semantic triples from last week to Wikidata with QuickStatements, which we talked about before too. The new '+' icon in table rows now links to a page where you can curate the statement and add Wikidata IDs where necessary. At the last step, you get a table of the existing data, the added identifiers and soon their Wikidata label.