Publicados in Front Matter

The Rogue Scholar science blog archive is built with Open Source software, starting with Javascript in June 2023 and adding an API written in Python in October 2023. This week I am releasing the first version of commonmeta written in Go to simplify the Rogue Scholar backend.


Computer and information sciences

Rogue Scholar has an API


The Rogue Scholar science blog archive has launched a dedicated API today, publicly available at and complementing the website. Rogue Scholar had an API before but with two important limitations. <strong> Serverless </strong> . The API at uses serverless technology, which isn't a good fit for long-running resource-intense processes.

Computer and information sciences

Announcing Commonmeta


This week I launched Commonmeta , a new scholarly metadata standard described at Commonmeta is the result of working on conversion tools for scholarly metadata for many years. One conclusion early on was that these conversions are many-to-many, so it becomes much easier to have an internal format that is the intermediate step for these conversions.

Computer and information sciences

Rogue Scholar references learn new tricks


This week the references included in currently 1,123 Rogue Scholar blog posts have become much more powerful, as they now include the full set of scholarly metadata. These metadata are displayed in the Rogue Scholar web pages and can be fetched via an open API. One of my favorite personal blog posts – about the 10th anniversary of PLOS ONE, reference lists, and the X-Files TV series written in 2016 – nicely demonstrates this new functionality.

Computer and information sciences

Simplifying Rogue Scholar Infrastructure


From the start last year one important goal for the Rogue Scholar science blog archive was to make it easy to use for blog authors and readers. Today I want to focus on another aspect: keep it simple to run Rogue Scholar infrastructure. To address that goal I started development work last week to further simplify one important aspect of Rogue Scholar infrastructure: metadata conversion.

Computer and information sciences

A Content Negotiation Update


While it is a best practice for DOIs (expressed as URL) to send the user to the landing page for that resource (Starr et al., 2015), sometimes we want something else: <strong> metadata </strong> , e.g. to generate a citation, or to go to the <strong> content </strong> itself. The easiest way to do that is to use DOI content negotiation.

Not only Open, but also Diverse and Inclusive: Towards Decentralised and Federated Research Information Sources

Autores Dominique Babini, Arianna Becerril Garcia, Rodrigo Costas, Lautaro Matas, Ismael Rafols, Laura Rovelli

<strong> <strong> The Barcelona Declaration: a call for openness… but also for diversity and inclusion </strong> </strong> The launch of the Barcelona Declaration last week aims to mobilise the global research community towards making research information open and accessible.