Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles
Autor Mathias Göbel

A data import is part of most of our projects and in some cases, we need to re-import all the data from time to time. This post shows how you can delegate this task to a GitLab CI job and start it by adding a certain keyword to your commit message. What is the problem? There are several circumstances when a data import (or a re-import) is required.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles

Docker activated “rate limits” by the end of 2020 - and as we are frequently pulling images from the main docker registry, we ran into trouble and our builds failed. But there is a quite simple solution for circumventing these rate limits - as we are using a gitlab runner on a dedicated server. This server already has the docker daemon installed and the solution is already documented.

Publicados in lab.sub - Articles
Autor Mathias Göbel

When writing code at some point we want to highlight a specific state, we want to celebrate reaching a new milestone and usually this is the moment to prepare a release . Nowadays when we all are about to use git, it is quite common to utilize tags for this. A tag points to a specific commit, it is a persistent shortcut to this point of the development.