Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Europe PMC Team

In July 2020, Europe PMC began indexing the full text of COVID-19 preprints. The initiative supported by Wellcome, the UK Medical Research Council, and Swiss National Science Foundation, has now made over 15,300 full text COVID-19 preprints searchable and free to read, alongside peer reviewed articles. Number of full text COVID-19 preprints in Europe PMC by month.

Publicados in iPhylo

A while ago I posted BHL to PDF workflow which was a sketch of a work flow to generate clean, searchable PDFs from Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) content: I've made some progress on putting this together, as well as expanded the goal somewhat. In fact, there are several goals:BioStor articles need to be archived somewhere. At the moment they live on my server, and metadata is also served by BHL (as the "parts" you see in a scanned volume).

Publicados in iPhylo

In a previous post (Learning from eLife: GitHub as an article repository) I discussed the advantages of an Open Access journal putting its article XML in a version-controlled repository like GitHub. In response to that post Pensoft (the publisher of ZooKeys ) did exactly that, and the XML is available at, "now what?" I hear you ask.

Publicados in OpenCitations blog

JATS, the Journal Article Tag Suite, defines a vocabulary of XML elements and attributes used to describe the content and metadata of journal articles.  As described in the previous post, we have mapped the metadata elements of the JATS Journal Publishing Tag Set to RDF, so that publishers’ XML article metadata encoded using JATS might become part of the web of linked data.

Publicados in OpenCitations blog

JATS, the Journal Article Tag Suite, defines a vocabulary of XML elements and attributes used to describe the content and metadata of journal articles.  In this post, I describe the mapping of JATS to RDF, so that publishers’ XML article metadata encoded using JATS might become part of the web of linked data.