Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

Image via Wikipedia I had a bit of a rant at a Science Online London panel session on Saturday with Theo Bloom, Brian Derby, and Phil Lord which people seemed to like so it seemed worth repeating here. As usual when discussing scientific publishing the dreaded issue of the Journal Impact Factor came up. While everyone complains about metrics I’ve found that people in general seem remarkably passive when it comes to challenging their use.

Publicados in chem-bla-ics

I have blogged about two Molecular Chemometrics principles so far: McPrinciple #1: access to data McPrinciple #2: be clear in what you mean Peter’s post #solo10: Green Chain Reaction; where to store the data? DSR? IR? BioTorrent, OKF or ??? gives me enough basis to write up a third principle: Molecular Chemometrics Principles #3 : We make scientific progress if we build on past achievements. Sounds logical, right?