Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in iPhylo

James Rosindell's OneZoom tree viewer is out and the paper describing the viewer has been published in PLoS One (disclosure, I was a reviewer):Below is a video where James describes OneZoom.OneZoom is fun, and is deservedly attracting a a lot of attention. But as visually striking as it is, I confess I have reservations about fractal-based viewers. For a start they make it hard to get a sense of the relative size of taxonomic groups.

Publicados in iPhylo

Prompted by a conversation with Vince Smith at the recent Online Taxonomy meeting at the Linnean Society in London I've been revisiting touch-based displays of large trees. There are a couple of really impressive examples of what can be done. Perceptive Pixel I've blogged about this before, but came across another video that better captures the excitement of touch-based navigation of a taxonomy.

Publicados in iPhylo

The Encyclopedia of Life have announced the EOL Phylogenetic Tree Challenge. The contest has two purposes:First prize is a trip to iEvoBio 2012, this year in Ottawa, Canada. For more details visit the challenge website. There is also an EOL community devoted to this challenge.Challenges are great things, especially ones with worthwhile tasks and decent prizes.

Publicados in iPhylo

Last week I was at the NSF "Assembling, Visualising and Analysing the Tree of Life" Ideas Lab, run by It was an interesting experience, essentially a structured week of brainstorming ideas.One thing I came away with is the feeling that our notions of the "tree of life" are fuzzy, contradictory, and often probably unobtainable.

Publicados in iPhylo

Last night BBC One aired David Attenborough's Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, which featured a lovely "fly through" the tree of life:In conjunction with the TV show, the Wellcome Trust has launched the Interactive Tree of Life, a Flash-based view of the tree of life. There's also a blog about the project. Here's a demo of the tree:The tree looks very nice, and a lot of work has gone into it, but I am somewhat underwhelmed.