Postagens de Rogue Scholar

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The BBC web site has an article entitled Giant deep sea jellyfish filmed in Gulf of Mexico which has footage of Stygiomedusa gigantea , and mentions an associated fish, Thalassobathia pelagica .One thing that frustrates me beyond belief is how hard it is to get more information about these organisms. Put another way, the biodiversity informatics community is missing a huge opportunity here.

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Last month EOL took the brave step of including Wikipedia content in its pages. I say "brave" because early on EOL was pretty reluctant to embrace Wikipedia on this scale (see the report of the Informatics Advisory Group that I chaired back in 2008), and also because not all of EOL's curators have been thrilled with this development.

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Autor Robert A. Gehring

Nach einem erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt zur Verbreitung von Fernsehsendungen über P2P-Netzwerke hat sich der öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunk- und Fernsehsender Norwegens, Norsk Rikskringkasting AS (NRK, via Wikipedia), dazu entschlossen, einen eigenen BitTorrent-Tracker in Betrieb zu nehmen.

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Last night BBC One aired David Attenborough's Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, which featured a lovely "fly through" the tree of life:In conjunction with the TV show, the Wellcome Trust has launched the Interactive Tree of Life, a Flash-based view of the tree of life. There's also a blog about the project. Here's a demo of the tree:The tree looks very nice, and a lot of work has gone into it, but I am somewhat underwhelmed.

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Autor Robert A. Gehring

Am Freitag haben der BBC Trust und die britische Medienaufsichtsbehörde Ofcom einen Antrag der BBC zur Genehmigung neuer Mittel für den Ausbau lokal ausgerichteter Online-Informationsangebote abgelehnt, berichtet die New York Times. Die öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendeanstalten scheinen nicht nur in Deutschland einen starken Expansionsdrang in digitale Gefilde zu verspüren.